Ready to get a YES to the promotion, money, schedule, support and sense of value that you deserve?

Use my 4-step system to build your perfect "ask" and confidence - you'll be clear about what you want, convincing, and get your “yes” easier and faster.
Get started

So glad you're here!

How long have you been waiting…

  • For your boss to recognize your work and to get promoted? 
  • To receive a pay increase to match your value?
  • To feel appreciated, supported, & valued for your effort and contribution - at work or home?
  • To have the schedule you desire - and more time for you?
  • To set and keep your boundaries, and still be seen as a team player?
  • For your partner to support your aspirations?
  • To speak up without worrying about conflict or jeopardizing what you’ve worked hard for?
  • Speak your truth instead of avoiding it and resenting the person OR exploding when you speak?
  • To move more seamlessly through your days and life, honoring what you want, your needs, and your boundaries to create the situations you really desire - and less friction?

The wait is over!

I'm here to teach you how to ask - and get - what you want faster & easier through...


My Power of the Ask system coaches you to clarify what you want, and organize the thoughts spinning in your head into a clear and convincing case that's a win-win situation - and that you can present immediately.

Because you can have the BEST case, but be stopped by limiting beliefs and status quo - my system incorporates mindset techniques. They reduce stress and imposter syndrome, and build your authentic confidence.
All in 4-steps.

"Jacqueline’s Power of the Ask enables me to personally and professionally sync up and action my higher goals and priorities, and re-ignite my confidence and self-assurance to successfully transition through various stages of my life and career. Especially as a mom, I now actually advocate for what I need to have a career and motherhood."

- Noelle R, 
Business Development Leader & Advisor - UN Women | Financial Times | Milken Institute | Metaversal VC | Outlier Ventures | Mom

There are 3 ways to get my system to build your perfect "ask"

Power of the Ask Online Academy

This self-paced, 4-module Academy is for you if you want to build your "ask" and confidence at your own pace, with bite-sized lessons that fit seamlessly into your schedule. You'll gain exclusive insights from me, an Executive Coach who works at top companies, through engaging videos that guide you to apply these powerful strategies to your unique situation.

This Academy includes bonus videos coaching you to navigate "no" and avoid reverting to old habits.

Check Out The Academy

Power of the Ask Workbook

Finally, a book that does more than just inspire! This Workbook equips you with step-by-step guidance to craft a clear and compelling case for the promotion, raise, schedule, and support you deserve to feel successful, fulfilled and valued.

When you purchase this book, you'll receive 40 pages of practical prompts to help you build "asks" over and over, practice' and achieve anything and everything you desire.

Check Out The Workbook

VIP Days & Workshops

Ready to work with me LIVE? Whether you're an individual aiming to master your personal ask, or a company focused on advancing and retaining top talent, my VIP days and workshops will empower women to confidently advocate for their careers, set boundaries, and elevate their well-being.

You'll also transform your team dynamics and drive results with win-win solutions that boost innovation, engagement, and sales.


Contact Me

What Women Have Easily Received using This 4-step system

"When I put the strategies from Jacqueline’s Power of the Ask system to work, my boss told me that because I was able to clearly lay things out and demonstrate the value, it was the EASIEST PROMOTION to Director he has ever pushed through.
As a bonus, my promotion came with a 25% increase in pay (the average is 10%)!"

- Brenda, Director @ Armanino

"As a new COO and working mom, my goal was to "do it all" WITHOUT "doing it" ALL which requires delegating - something I struggled with.
Power of the Ask system helped me not only build a script to confidently explain what needed delegating but also build my confidence to do so - without feeling bad about adding to someone’s workload."

- Doro, COO @ Headline Ventures + Mom

"I truly use Power of the Ask often. I used it just yesterday to align onboarding stakeholders with loud differing opinions by reframing my ask towards the business.
AND I used it when I was approached by a company when I was approached with an offer - and negotiated a higher base salary, permanent remote role, and start date that worked for me."

- Katherine, People @ Google + Mom

It's My Turn!

Hi! I'm Jacqueline 

Former corporate leader, certified ICF, Enneagram, neurolinguisti-programming (NLP) & somatic coach, human & organizational development specialist, business owner, mom of 2, and wife


I coach women to reclaim their power and achieve their dream careers and relationships by asking for what they really desire with clarity, confidence, and conviction.

I'm on a MISSION to create a society where women no longer hide, but speak up for what they need, ask for what they’re worth, set and honor their boundaries, and feel comfortable when they receive everything they've ever wanted.

My clients include women at Salesforce, Google, CHIEF Network, Qualtrics, and many start-ups and venture capital firms - and many non-working women.


The system you are here to learn took me from being stuck, following others' plans for me, feeling limited to:

  • Designing my roles at Deloitte & a start up to fit my skills, passions & aspirations
  • Negotiating 20% pay raises, extra team members, and virtual working (before it was a thing) 
  • Setting boundaries with my schedule - and honoring them 
  • Overcoming microaggressions, being in the right rooms, and feeling valued, & heard 
  • Navigating complex matrix organizations with ease and influence 
  • Marrying a man that meets my needs, including providing support and appreciation WHEN and HOW I need 
  • Being in FLOW navigating a household, marriage, and children, and running a business
  • Creating a 6-figure business working part-time while having serious boundaries in place!
  • Getting 60% off my luxury wedding venue to fit my budget
  • ...And numerous other "impossible" asks

Pretty incredible for starting my career by being passed over for a promotion and told, “I didn’t ask”, and raised in a household where "do not speak until spoken to" was a rule, right?

Are you ready to get what YOU want and deserve now?

Yes, Get Me Started

There’s absolutely NO need to do this on your own

Let yourself be supported

With my proven proprietary system, paired with what you need and have to say - it's time to shift you into an empowered and powerful communicator who advocates for yourself with the right convincing message, timing and confidence.
Take the first step and join the thousands of women who are shattering the status quo by speaking up about what they really want, re-igniting the passion in them, and truly happy in their careers and relationships.
"For the first time, I'm voicing what I need to my boss and others. My boss is taking on what I say, and I've even fallen back in love with my job!"

- Rosa, Co-Founder @ Rupa Health

"I had a goal of pushing for a promotion but had trouble wrapping my head around the approach. Insert Jacqueline’s Power of the Ask system - all the data points that were spinning in my head were placed into an orderly line of strategic supporting facts. Which made it easy to ask and feel I was convincing. And I got my promotion!!"

- Meggie, Sr. Director, Fund Finance @ Citizens Bank (+ Mom)

"Jacqueline’s Power of the Ask system not only enabled me to get the promotion I wanted, it enabled me to shape my new role to fit my skills and passions, and to negotiate moving from Northern California to Florida to pursue my part time MBA and be near my family, AND continue being paid my California salary in Florida.

- Tamaray, @ Komodo Health

It's My Turn!

Why "Soar"?


Ever watched a bird soar? 

It's EFFORTLESS and they look like they're having a BLAST!


This is the state I get my clients to - and YOU deserve to live in too.


If you're like most of my clients you found me after spending years flapping your proverbial "wings" transitioning from one phase of life, relationship and goal to the next - maybe even taken some nose-dives. Those days can come to an end through working together.

 And when a Hawk (me) shows up in your life, it's a sign to get real, see the truth, and take your power back where you've been giving it away. No more ostrich with your head in the sand - rise above your fears - even if it's hard - equip yourself with the right system and soar.

Ready to SOAR?

Yes, I Want To Soar

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